Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Protect-IP is GARBAGE!

So I got home from school today, eager to get on Tumblr and see what has been posted. I logged on to see that everything on the site has been censored. Seriously? At the top of the screen, I saw a link to an explanation. Apparently Congress is trying to pass a law that can censor websites like Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter. Here's a video I found further explaining the law.

PROTECT IP Act Breaks The Internet from Fight for the Future on Vimeo.

I think the bill is ridiculous! The internet plays too big of a role in society and the economy today to just decide to censor everything. People like me who run blogs and basically live on sites like Twitter and YouTube would be at a serious loss. I understand the entertainment industry wanting to find a way to get more money but this isn't going to do anything but anger any people. Plus we live in a very manipulative society with a government that will take advantage of their power. If we give them this inch, they'll try and take a mile and probably succeed.

I encourage everyone to sign this petition and send an email to their representatives. This is nonsense and it must be stopped now.

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